The Great Bible Stories website was created a few years ago by Steve Harris and is now in about it's 4 version. Sadly sometime it get's broken and it takes me a while to fix it so if you have visited before we are back! 

Steve has been a story teller for over 30 years and regularly goes to schools in Cardiff, Wales to tell them Bible stories. He normally wheres his bright coloured waistcoats (or as the Americans like to call them vests. We wear our vest under our shirt is wales - just like were wear our pants under our trousers - but hey that another story!) Steve gets to talk to about 3000 children every school term. As he likes telling stories he thought you might like reading and watching stories so he has found some great stories for you to read and watch.

All of the stories in some way relate to stories from the Bible but they are often told in fun and imaginative ways. Steve has found the Bible to be the most amazing book every and it has introduced him to the most amazing person ever JESUS! 

Some of the are told by my friends, one of them is all called Steve Harris and my brother, Jonathan Harris. All the rest have other names otherwise that would get really confusing!

A lot of the written stories are by someone I have never met but gave me permission to put his stories on my site. He is a great story teller and his name is Paul Gallgas-Frey who is based in the USA and has a great website that you might like to visit with many more Bible Stories.  


 A bit more about Steve Harris

Steve grew up in City Church in Cardiff and after graduating from University and a time in missions in Europe, he returned to Cardiff where he has been active in the church for many years.

Steve as well as visiting schools Steve joined the leadership team of City Church in 1999 initially as Evangelism Director. Over the years, Steve has worked more and more with those who are new to church and the Christian faith. For 6 years Steve also led the Beacon Church, originally started by the City Church, in St Mellons. Steve also worked with Evangelical Alliance Wales on a project called 'The Net Cardiff'. Steve now pastors a church in Caerphilly called Connect Life part of the Elim group of churches

Steve is married to Myra and they have 2 grown up children.